FileSearchy Pro 1.11 All the ideas and discussions
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manualy start and stop indexin

I want to be able to start and stop indexing at will, select folders to be left completely untouched by the program (security and privacy reasons), the file handler only offer 32 and 64 bit options without any elaboration on what the difference is, the restore options is visible in the tray even when the window is open and focused, when the search pane is open with the advanced options activated - the expression type drop down menu should be in a new line since the "regular expression" options is not visible with the default pane size, the filter bar shows checkboxes for different file types but only allows one selection which is counterintuitive - they should be radio buttons or better yet they should behave like every checkboxes allowing you to select multiple choices and making the ALL option checked or partially checked (usually marked with a small square) or empty depending how many of the other options are selected, there is a bug - when a file type is selected in the filter bar and the filter bar is toggled on and off - the list shows all the types while only the previously selected file type box is checked, the plus button tooltip should say new search TAB, no option to change the details columns shown - a dimensions column would be useful for picture for example - codec and bitrate may be useful for other media files for example, integrating the program into windows explorer would be fantastic - replacing the default search function.

Flamur Kasa , 18.02.2014, 23:18
Idea status: under consideration


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